WordPress Website Restoration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Data Recovery and Business Continuity

Recover WordPress Website

WordPress Website Restoration from a backup is a crucial step in data recovery and maintaining business continuity. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to WordPress Website Restoration backup using two common methods:

Method 1: Using a WordPress Backup Plugin

  1. Install and Activate a Backup Plugin: Choose a reliable backup plugin like UpdraftPlus or BackWPup. Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website.
  1. Create a Backup: Create a complete backup of your WordPress website, including files and database. This backup will serve as the source for restoration.
  2. Download Backup Files: Download the backup files to your local computer. Store the backup files in a safe and secure location.
  3. Install WordPress on New Hosting or Local Server: If you’re restoring to a new hosting environment, set up WordPress on the new server. If you’re restoring to a local server, install WordPress locally using a tool like XAMPP or Local by Flywheel.
  4. Install Backup Plugin on New WordPress Installation: Install the same backup plugin you used to create the backup on your new WordPress installation.
  5. Restore Backup: Upload the backup files to the new WordPress installation. Use the backup plugin to initiate the restoration process. The plugin will restore the files, database, and settings from the backup.
  6. Test and Verify: Once the restoration is complete, test the website to ensure it’s functioning properly. Check for any errors or missing elements.

Method 2: Manual Restoration Using FTP and phpMyAdmin

  1. Download Backup Files: Download the backup files to your local computer. Unzip the backup files to extract the website files and database.
  2. Access FTP Client: Connect to your WordPress website’s FTP server using an FTP client like FileZilla or Cyberduck.
  1. Delete Existing WordPress Files: Delete all the files and folders from your WordPress installation’s root directory on the server.
  2. Upload Backup Files: Upload the extracted website files from your local computer to the root directory on the server.
  3. Access phpMyAdmin: Access the phpMyAdmin tool provided by your hosting provider.
  4. Create a New Database: Create a new empty database in phpMyAdmin. Note the database name, username, and password.
  5. Import Database Backup: Import the backup database file (usually named something like “your_database_name.sql”) into the newly created database in phpMyAdmin.
  6. Update wp-config.php: Edit the wp-config.php file located in the root directory of your WordPress installation on the server. Update the database details (database name, username, and password) to match the newly created database.
  7. Test and Verify: Visit your website in a web browser to ensure it’s functioning properly. Check for any errors or missing elements.

Restore SQL Server Database

I hope you follow the step mentioned above as WordPress Website Restoration guides and share your success with us.

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